~Eight Tips for Job Hunting During the Recession~

Eight Tips for Job Hunting During the Recession

By Margot Carmichael Lester, Monster Contributing Writer 

The global credit crisis and flat-lining domestic economy have turned this into one of the most challenging times to be looking for a job in recent history. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, approximately 14 million people are currently unemployed, about twice as many since the recession started in December 2007. And while the January 2011 unemployment rate fell to 9 percent — the lowest level in nearly two years — that rate is still high by historical standards.

To be a successful job seeker in this climate, you have to be calm, patient and proactive — and try any (or all) of these tips.

Pick and Choose Your Targets When Jack Hinson was laid off in mid-2008 from his job at a large Internet content company in Austin, he prioritized his search. “It’s important to put your time and energy into opportunities that you’re the most interested in and that have the best chance of coming to fruition,” he says. “Pick a few companies you’re interested in and pursue them, whether they have current openings or not.”
Concentrate on Growth Industries
Brent Berger, a Las Vegas-based scenario planning and strategy consultant, suggests focusing on growth industries and areas. “Look at energy,” he says. “With oil costs where they are, the need for cheap fuel and cheap heat is ever-mounting. And any job that alleviates pain is recession-proof. Similarly, the National Guard, Border Patrol, homeland security and the defense industry in general will continue to thrive as the next stage in the war on terror continues.”
Work Your Network
Hinson’s new gig came from an old connection. “I’d spoken to the company’s founders about a year ago and stayed in touch,” he says. “Then I ran into one of them at a networking function.” So flip through your Rolodex or business social media contacts and let them know you’re looking.
Sell Yourself
San Francisco PR account executive Samantha Rubenstein launched a job search just as the economy began to flag. After three months, she got a great offer from Atomic PR. She attributes her success to doing more than learning about the company. “Preparation [includes] learning how to talk about yourself in a meaningful and powerful way,” she says. “I created a list of potential interview questions and typed up bulleted answers to create speaking points.”
Consider Freelancing
Russ Carr, a designer and writer in St. Louis, has twice had a line on a job only to see it slip away when the employer lost a key account or decided to distribute the duties among current employees. To keep some money coming in, Carr started freelancing. “I haven’t stopped trying to shop myself for a full-time gig again, but freelancing certainly has kept food on the table,” he says. “If you’re in a field that supports it, don’t think twice — just do it.”
Take a Temporary Position
If freelancing isn’t practical, try temping. “Consider interim staffing to fill a temporary slot for work that needs to be done despite the economy,” advises Ronald Torch, president and CEO of the Torch Group, a marketing staffing firm in Cleveland. Or temp with a company that interests you. “Many of these options pay well and can carry the burden of bill-paying until a permanent position comes along,” he says.
Sweat the Small Stuff
“Don’t forget the personal touches,” counsels Felicia Miller, assistant director of career services at the Art Institute of Las Vegas. “Don’t use a template cover letter — make sure each letter addresses specific skills or qualities the company is looking for. And always send a thank you note or email after the interview. Use this correspondence as an opportunity to revisit weak areas of your interview.”
Stay Positive
The most important thing when searching for a job in tough economic times is to retain a positive attitude, says Carol Vecchio, founder and executive director of Centerpoint Institute for Life and Career Renewal in Seattle. “Even in a job market with 10 percent unemployment, there’s 90 percent employment,” she says. “There is an average of over 3 million jobs available in the US per month — and each job seeker is looking for one. Those are pretty good odds.”
Struggling to find a great job in a bad economy can be a drag, but undertaking even a few of these tips will improve your chances of landing a gig. “Remember it doesn’t matter how many jobs are or aren’t out there,” Vecchio says. “You’re just looking for one — the right one for you.”

“We can’t be afraid of change. You may feel very secure in the pond that you are in, but if you never venture out of it, you will never know that there is such a thing as an ocean, a sea. Holding onto something that is good for you now, may be the very reason why you don’t have something better.”
― C. JoyBell C.

How To Be A Good Mate

  1. Like yourself: How can others be expected to like you if you don’t like yourself? It’s no fun hanging out with miserable sods. Repeat the mantra!
  2. Choose well: Don’t overstretch yourself, while it’s great to have loads of people you know and like, it’s better to have a select few that you spend more time with.
  3. Make time for each other: Don’t abandon your mates at the first sign of lust, they’re the ones you’ll run to if it all goes wrong, and if you’ve vanished off the planet for a few months previous to this they may not want to pick up the pieces. If you are on the receiving end of this, tell your mate directly, as subtle hints tend not to work.
  4. Treat them as you wish to be treated: Obvious? You’d think so, but most people fail on this one. (My favorite)
  5. Make them feel wanted: being lovers, remembering them is important as well. Give surprise gifts, special dates and candle-lit meals, remember they are also your friend, small things feel special and can help make your bond stronger… you may get gifts in return!
  6. Speak: It is better to bring up problems before you get to the point of a massive explosion, but either way make sure you do discuss them rationally and apologize for being an idiot if necessary. Then let it lie and move on.
  7. Listen: This is a two-way thing, don’t expect them to continually help you out with your dilemmas and then have no interest in helping with theirs.
  8. Trust and loyalty: These are essential to close friendships (which is what your partner is). You don’t have to share everything, but if you do, make sure you don’t blab to everyone else. How would you feel if they did the same?
  9. Support them: If you want them to ‘be there for you’ you’ll have to be there too.

10.  Admit when it’s over: If you bore each other and it’s a chore to spend time together, try counseling if things are still not working out and a 100% effort has been made, and by that I mean really feeling that you gave it your all!…..Well then call it a day.